The leading forum for developments in clinical treatment and research for patients with cerebrovascular disease in Europe and, in fact, the world is called ESOC. The European Stroke Organization (ESOC) Congress took place in München on May 24, 25, and 26th. In line with expectations, ESOC 2023 delivered a jam-packed, top-notch scientific program that featured crucial clinical trials, cutting-edge seminars, instructive workshops, scientific communications of the most recent research, and discussions on hot-button issues.

Our group had the opportunity to share the different research projects and its most recent advantages. On the one hand, Jara performed an oral presentation called “Genome-wide study reveals novel sex-specific loci associated with lacunar” (See the abstract attached), and on the other hand, Cristina, Elena, Natalia and Miquel displayed a poster of their work throughout the conference that allow them to get feedback and suggestions from other experts and present their projects in a more casual and interactive way (See the posters attached). Moreover, our IP, Israel Fernández chaired the Decoding Genetics session.