L7 Anticoagulants and Epi-exosomes


In this line our objective is to find genes regulated by DNA methylation in the brain in association with stroke risk and stroke outcome. Our epigenetic studies have revealed genes whose DNA methylation is relevant in the risk of suffering a stroke and in the neurological course after stroke. However, these studies have analysed whole blood.

We believe that DNA methylation in brain tissue could be also relevant in stroke risk and stroke outcome, but it is difficult to obtain brain samples. For that reason, we created this new line with the objective of studying brain-derived exosomes. They are vesicles that can be isolated from whole blood and derive from brain. They contain proteins and RNA, but also DNA that comes from brain. Our aim is to study the DNA methylation from these exosomes with the objective of obtaining brain information but using blood, a more accessible tissue.

Natalia Culell